How to Feel Forgiveness and Peace through Faith in Times of Pain

How to Feel Forgiveness and Peace through Faith in Times of Pain

| Published on: May 13, 2020 |

In times of darkness, it becomes so easy to lose your grip on happiness, peace, and hope. You may feel overwhelmed by the bleakness of your emotions, as if nothing could possibly lift your spirits and allow you to care for yourself and your loved ones in the ways that you used to – in the ways that you so desperately want to.
To finally feel the senses of forgiveness and peace you need to feel whole and happy again, first strengthen your faith in God and His love. You will begin to feel closer in your relationship with your faith as you strengthen your understanding of pain, your emotions, and how best to deal with the darkness threatening you.
One of the most effective ways to feel better through faith is to simply venture outside into the sun. A bright, warm sun does wonders for the mind, body, and soul, and it’s so important to give yourself the peace and quiet away from the burdens and hurdles that you must face in your day-to-day life.
Outside, find a quiet and beautiful place where you can go and feel safe, secure, and at peace. In this space, perhaps in a lovely spot in your backyard or garden, close your eyes and meditate on your relationship with God and His love for you. Know that no matter what, He will always be near you. Build up feelings of hope for a brighter, clearer future, leaving the times of pain and darkness behind you.
In addition to meditation, seek forgiveness and peace from your family and close friends. Tell them that you love them and appreciate them for all they do – for you and for others. Lean on them and let them lean on you, and find joy in the tightness of your bonds to one another. Surround yourself with family and friends that will accept you with open arms. It may be tempting to shut others out in times of darkness and pain, but it’s crucial to your health and happiness to keep your loved ones close.
In times of pain, know that love, patience, understanding, and faith will bring you the peace you need to finally feel full and joyful again. Do not allow yourself to feel broken during this time – through your faith, instead seek refuge in Christ and in the welcoming arms of your family and dearest friends.