Summer Prayer and Meditation for Catholics

Summer Prayer and Meditation for Catholics

| Published on: June 25, 2021 |

As Catholics, prayer plays a monumental role in our lives. We pray for guidance, we pray for forgiveness, and we pray in times of joy and sadness both. Without prayer, we are unable to praise God in the ways we should, and it’s important to strengthen our ability to pray—it’s a practicable skill like any other.

Paired with an understanding of how to properly focus and relax the body through meditation, prayer can even further heighten your sense of faith and strengthen your relationship with Jesus and God the Father.

The Summer Season and Finding the Time to Pray

Summer is a great time to practice more frequent prayer and meditation for families. During this period—when children are most likely to be home and parents may enjoy more flexibility than in other, busier work seasons—families can learn more about the importance of prayer and meditation together while also working to establish more disciplined observance of their Catholic faith.

How to Teach Your Children About Prayer and Meditation

Teaching children how to practice meaningful prayer and meditation is all about establishing confidence, trust, and security. This summer, make it a goal for your family to practice prayer and meditation at least once a day, and strive for more depending on your shared schedules. God understands the hectic nature of everyday life, but it’s important to make the time to reflect on your beliefs and connect with Him in order to maintain a healthy relationship with your Catholic faith.

Below are a few tips for teaching your children about the importance of prayer and meditation, and they can strengthen their relationship with their faith through consistency and focus.

  1. Emphasize the connection between prayer and positive feelings.
  2. Establish a dedicated space in your home for prayer and religious study, such as in your child’s bedroom or your family room in the evening.
  3. Encourage honest (but necessarily entirely open) communication between your child and the rest of your family. Make sure your child feels comfortable talking about sensitive topics such as prayer and religion, but that he or she also understands that it’s not necessary to reveal every personal detail in your conversations. Doing so will make your child feel more comfortable throughout the process of learning to practice meaningful prayer and meditation.
  4. Pray in front of your child outside of your dedicated time and space to help your child realize that prayer and meditation are important elements of typical, everyday life.
  5. Stay consistent with your lessons and prayer sessions!

By following these simple tips, you will be able to encourage your child to open his or her heart to God with more confidence in order to accept His love and guidance in times of both happiness and hardship.