Sharing the Beauty of Christian Art with Your Child

Sharing the Beauty of Christian Art with Your Child

| Published on: May 6, 2022 |

One of the most creative and inspiring ways to bring your child closer to God is to share the beauty of Christian art with them. What makes Christian art intriguing is that it has a number of benefits for your child — including offering the ability for your child to visualize important Biblical scenarios; to transcendent skills like sparking creativity in your child’s mind.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how Christian art can positively impact your child, foster elements of spirituality, and create a close-knit bond between all members of your family as a result.

How Sharing Christian Art Can Bring Your Child Closer to God

Sharing Christian art with your child, whether it is through hanging pictures around the home or having them read religious books, can benefit your child immensely. Visuals often help and assist in a child’s comprehension and communication. Sharing Christian art with them will give your child valuable knowledge and insight into important Biblical events, and can help them better understand Christianity as a whole.

It also helps foster an environment that brings parent and child together spiritually. Children will naturally inquire about the teachings of God after viewing Christian art, to which you as a parent can educate them. As a result, both parent and child can live faith-filled lives that promote communication, education, and appreciation for God within the household.

Spurring Creativity in Your Child

On top of the religious benefits, another beautiful effect sharing Christian art with your child can have is one of creativity. Colorful images and visually-striking artwork can inspire your child to want to create their own renditions of Christian art. Having an art set with items such as colored pencils, non-permanent markers, paintbrushes, and child-safe paint on hand will allow your young ones to explore their artistic creativity in a meaningful and productive way.

And not only does it help your child develop an appreciation for the arts, but it can also lead to an appreciation for storytelling. Seeing icons and imagery of Christ and learning his backstory can teach your child fundamental elements of such — from structure to conflict to human development. Christian art, as a result, as a multilayered process in developing your child’s creativity, intellect, and propinquity to God.

Lets Your Child Explore Their Emotions

The story of Christ is one that embodies many emotions. It’s a story of grief, inspiration, and triumph. In sharing the beauty of Christian art with your child, it allows for them to experience the full spectrum of emotions, along with developing their deductive reasoning skills.

While you may want to steer away from immediately overwhelming your child with emotions, gradually educating them on stories like the one of Christ will ease them into a place of understanding and emotional growth. The emotional development brought on by the beauty of Christian art is one that will greatly benefit your child in life, as they will learn important lessons, values, and holy virtues through the consumption of Christian art.

Bringing Parents and Children Closer Through Religious Art

Parents who grew up under a Catholic household certainly understand the personal, spiritual and intellectual growth that religion encompasses. Allowing your child to partake in any form of Christian art — be it visual or even literal (the Bible is a great place to start!) — will let your child experience the same lessons and hardships you as a parent faced when growing up.

Through the beauty of Christian art, you can build an unbreakable bond not only between parent and child, but also family and God in the process. There are always a number of ways to develop your child spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually — what better place to start with than Christian art?