Register for the Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS)

Grade eight students who wish to attend a Catholic High School in Fall 2023 need to take the Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS) on Saturday, November 5, 2022. REGISTER NOW Registration is open from August 22 to October 27, 2022 for the test on November 5th, 2022! For more information visit:

Annual Scholarship Fund Dinner 2022

Oct 18, 2022 6:00 PM Location Cipriani Wall Street 55 Wall Street New York NY 10005 Annual Scholarship Fund Dinner 2022 – Futures In Education

Promoting Kindness

This summer, promote kindness within by encouraging the communication of empathy and the building of friendship.

December Meditations to Feel Centered and Less Stressed in the New Year

Meditation is a wonderful and effective way to reconnect with your faith. In the quiet, relaxed state of meditation, your body and mind both have the opportunity to feel a centeredness that will encourage you to start each day with a positive attitude and determination